Monday, 26 September 2011

Time to enjoy spring

After I left my job in the city I thought my days would be leisurely - filled with blogging, afternoon teas and gentle crafting pursuits – but with the volunteering, making and selling candles, looking after the home & family the days whizzed by and there was little time to blog, undertake projects or tame my unruly garden! Since Spring is the season of renewal its time to take stock and wind back!

Friday was a gorgeous spring day so I spent a few satisfying hours in the garden and rewarded myself with a cuppa on the balcony. Not just any old cuppa! I had a lovely cup of tea one day and was told it was Assam Tea.  So I went off to the The Tea Centre and explored the delights of tea with the enthusiastic assistant & bought a packet of Assam Tea. A while back at Gordon Markets I bought a most adorable Royale Stratford teapot for $5.00! The little teapot had belonged to the stall holder’s mother who had it as an ornament.

Being a firm believer in enjoying beautiful things I brewed the Assam Tea in the teapot. After pouring the tea I lifted my cup to the lady who had enjoyed the little teapot over the years. I savoured the rich malt flavour of the tea and the vegemite toast looking across the gum trees while the poodles at my feet basked in the sunshine ....

Truly, a ‘smelling the roses’ moment!