Sunday 8 November 2015

Leura Gardens Festival

I visited two delightful & quite different gardens with a friend during the Leura Gardens Festival. My friend grew up in Leura and her parents had a garden nursery. It was helpful & interesting to walk through the gardens with someone who had inside knowledge of plants and the local community. Both gardens were in Blackheath Street Leura.

Redleaf 's hundred year old house is painted black with crisp white trim and is surrounded by nearly an acre of gardens filled with stately trees, lush lawns and dry stone walls. The jewel coloured azalea bushes are highlighted beautifully against the black house.

Sculptures by local artists were placed around the garden.

Rob Roy is a magnificent garden with a number garden rooms and unusual trees and shrubs, the maple lined driveway and several mature trees, particularly the Deodar cedar, plum and crab-apples.

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