Thursday 27 October 2011

Busy making candles

This week I have been busy making candles.  I am really pleased with my efforts - they look lovely and I have tried some interesting essential oil blends such as 'Lavender, Lime & Black Pepper' and 'Lavender, Mandarin, Sweet Orange & Sweet Geranium' along with Lemongrass, Lime & Mandarin.... they smell delicious! ...

Pink themed candles of course! since pink is my fave colour
The fresh blue look....

A 'group' shot
So now I am off  to 'In.cube8r' Gallery at Mosman to deliver the candles.  In.cub8r is an amazing place - it sells unique art and crafts made by local people - its like an sumptuous pink 'Aladdins cave'....

Then on Sunday I will be at Mangrove Mountain Country Markets. Its always fun to be at that market  - the people are really friendly and the food and organic produce is great!



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