Sunday 9 October 2011

My day at the Bushland Shire Festival

On 19 September I had a stall at the Bushland Shire Festival at Fagan Park.  The day was superbly warm and sunny and the parklands were lovely. My stall was surrounded by eco stalls and next to the companion animal zone... a very nice 'neighbourhood'.

My friend Jenny helped out by providing some pretty trimmings such as a lace umbrella and flowers.  The lace umbrella shielded the candles from the sun so they wouldnt 'sweat'.... soy wax candles sound like a female... they have a memory, they sweat in the hot sun and they are perfumed.

I met nice people, sold lots of candles, had fun with Jenny who showed that she is a not only a great teacher but also a talented sales woman.

After such a warm and sunny day that gave us a taste of Summer, Spring became rather temperamental and brought us lots of showers, wind and cold weather.

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